Interests: Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Fluid Dynamics
Results-driven engineer, adept at leveraging technology and data to enhance operational excellence.
Wide breadth of experience spanning engineering, machine learning, business, and finance.
Seeking to apply expertise in developing efficient, data-driven solutions
and contributing to continuous process improvement in organizations.
DataDrift is a suite of Python tools meant for data mining market information on automobile pricing. It is currently under development.
Project Karma
Purdue University
Fall 2018
This robot was built during my freshman year at Purdue University. The project is called the MArs Cargo ROver (MACRO), and was the third project in the Honors Introduction to Engineering class (ENGR 16100). The premise of the project was to build a prototype of an autonomous robot capable of navigating varied terrain, transporting cargo, and depositing cargo to the appropriate location. The materials provided were a RaspberryPi, a GrovePi board, various Lego parts and sensors, and third party sensors.
The robot was modelled after the skid steers used on construction sites, for their ability to handle various terrain, a zero turn radius, and robustness. The sensors used were 1x EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor, 2x Hall Effect Sensor, and 2x Line Finder. The ultrasonic sensor is used for obstacle detection, while the hall sensors are used to read magnets embedded beneath the test track. The line finders are used in following the line on the test track. Video demonstrations of the robots capabilities can be found below.
Maze Robot
Pittsburgh, PA
May 2018
This maze robot was built and programmed over the course of two class periods, as part of an Intro to Robotics Class I took. The objective of the robot is to reach the end of a maze / navigate through a system of corridors using a simple algorithm. A touch sensor / limit switch is mounted to the front of the robot to detect collisions. In the event of a collision, distance data is read from a ultrasonic sensor mounted on the left of the robot. Whether the path on the left is clear or not determines if the robot turns right or left.
The drivetrain employs staggered treads to fit both motors vertically and inline. The EV3 Large motor in front drives the left tread, while the one in the rear drives the right tread. The treads are plastic, which allows for slipping in the event the robot cannot perfectly orient itself, and its narrow profile is well suited for narrow corridors. The EV3 computer is mounted on top of the robot, ensuring the machine stays narrow and retains a small footprint.
Pictures and a demonstration video are provided below.
Soccer Bots
Carnegie Mellon University
Summer 2017
In 2017, I attended the LEAP @ CMU program during the summer. Alongside two other students, the final project I worked on for the summer was building a computer vision system to allow mini robots to play soccer. There are four robots total, so "matches" can be run in a 2v2 and 1v1 format. A ping pong ball is used as a soccer ball stand in.
The robots are the Pololu 3Pi unit, which are essentially Arduinos on wheels. These are programmed using the Arduinno language and IDE. The robots communicate with a laptop using bluetooth. A serial-to-bluetooth unit is attached to each Pololu, which can be paired to the laptop and accessed via a COM port.
We tested some different algorithms for calculating the path each robot would take. After trying some more complicated splining methods, we settled on simply having the robots rotate in place and drive a set distance.
I produce music independently and for contracts. If you are interested in hiring me for production services, mixing services, or commissioning a track, please reach out to me.
Currently, I mostly produce music falling under the EDM genre. In the past, I have produced rock and metal. Some of my music is linked below.
4lb Battle Bot
Pittsburgh, PA
Spring 2018
This robot was manufactured as part of a fabrication/robotics class I took. The electronics are repurposed from RC airplane kits, and the body is made from composite plastic and aluminum plating. The weight class is 4 lb, so the fully assembled robot was required to be under that weight.
The robot utilizes a vertical spinning disk as its primary weapon. The brushless motor that would normally be used to drive the propeller on an RC plane was used to drive the weapon, while standard DC motors were used to drive the wheels. The aluminum was cut to size using a laser cutter, and the plastic body was made using a Haas multi-axis CNC mill.